Never the bride?

It’s all getting a bit ‘bridesmaidy’ this year, in relation to the writing competitions I’ve entered. I’ve been longlisted four times, and shortlisted twice in various different competitions in the last six months, but I am yet to ‘win’ a literary prize. I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever be the bride.

Starting with the positives, this is progress. A few years ago I wasn’t coming anywhere when I entered things.

And these minor successes spur me on ever further. I even made my first foray into short story writing for a very long time and found myself on a shortlist there, too.

What I have discovered is that getting long-listed puts a fillip in my step. It’s a lovely kind of acknowledgement. There’s a buzz from seeing my name up there alongside other poets, especially when they are others whose work I’m familiar with.

Getting shortlisted, especially for a pamphlet prize, is very exciting indeed. Although it becomes quite crushing to get that far and no further.

So what I can say is:

Shortlisted: Henshaw Press June 2023 Short Story Prize
Shortlisted: Demsey & Windle 2023 Pamphlet Prize
Longlisted: Indigo Dreams 2023 Pamphlet Prize
Commended West Sussex poet: Slipstream 2023

And, y’know, it’s only August!


Literary festival return


Arundel Literary Day