Academic UKLA CONFERENCE AWARD 2024 Dr Theresa Gooda was among five recipients of the first NEU teacher awards for fully funded UKLA International Conference places in 2024.Teachers were invited to submit for sponsored places based on experience of reading and discussing longlisted and shortlisted UKLA Book Awards their engagement in other UKLA activities. Dr Theresa Gooda has published a range of papers relating to secondary English teaching. READING RE-COGNIZED Gooda, Theresa (2022) Reading re-cognized: fostering collaborative reading pedagogies to reconstruct reading teaching practice with secondary English teachers. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex. Mentoring English Teachers in the Secondary School. CHAPTERS: Gooda, T. & Catchpole, S. (2019). ‘What subject and pedagogical knowledge, understanding and skills does a mentor of beginning English teachers need?’ DOI: 10.4324/9780429490477-4Hickman, D. & Gooda, T. (2019). ‘What knowledge, skills and understanding do beginning English teachers need?’ DOI: 10.4324/9780429490477-8 Situating students as authentic writers outside the classroom Abstract: This paper explores the value of writing journals for both students and teachers beyond English lessons and without insistence on evidencing writing progress. Keeping a journal or undertaking regular reflective writing is an unfamiliar experience for some students, and schools may offer limited privacy for writing. Used in a comprehensive school as part of a trip to Uganda, the journals provide space for reflection and remembering, enable the emotional and cognitive dimensions of the experience to be captured, and initiate students and teachers into a shared community of practice that celebrates writing as one way of processing individual academic and personal development.